Saturday, November 10, 2012

*awkward post*

So recently I have had this guy that i kinda like. I know it probably wont go anywhere (this is probably the only thing that isn't great about being an exchange student). I  mean I understand why you aren't supposed to have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend on exchange, but having the butterflies for the rest of my exchange is going to suck. :P
Anyways! thats over.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


So I just realized its been quite a while since I last wrote on my blog.
Things have been going good recently. Im finally starting to get closer to kids at school.
I love them so much they are all amazing. Kendo club is great I actually started doing stuff.
My japanese is still pretty bad, but its getting better.

My school  ( Yotsuba Gakuen ) just had their sports festival. It was a ton of fun. I ran the
hundred meter (im super slow so I didn't do very well.
Then yesterday was Halloween. Its the morning right now and im pretty tired, but later there
will ba a more detailed update :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ask me?

So i know its been a while since I wrote on the blog im really sorry. I just have been busy to the extent i think i have had only one weekend free and i didn't know what to do with myself.
Recently I feel I've made progress with japanese, im starting to understand more and i can somewhat talk to people. Kids at Yotsuba are super nice i just love them, but i dont think they really know how to deal with exchange students. I havent really made any pretty good friends at school yet, but i really hope to! All the other exchange students are super cool and they are my Scooby-doo gang <3 them. My host families are all nice. I dont know if there are any questions that you guys want me to answer on this blog. I will do special posts for questions. You can ask anything you want to know. That is if anyone really ACTUALLY reads this blog.
Anyways think imma turn in for the night Oyasumi!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

kids at my school

Kids at Yotsuba really really confuse me. One moment they will be nice and say "Hi" or wave, but most of the time it seems they dont want to be friends.
I really want to be friends with everyone, but it dosent seem like they are interested. Maybe because most of them have been to america. Its not as interesting to be friends with americans, i dont know........ anyways enough complaining. 
Yotsuba kids!!!! be friends with me!!!! im not trying to be a scary american i cant help it!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Im really really happy right now i just got to sit down with my host mom and just hang. I showed her pictures of all my friends in america and vancouver and portland and my parents it made me super happy. I was actually able to communicate with her. every time she would see my friends she would go "KAWAII!!!" and every i stopped on a pic of dad she would go "Emmas otoosan!!!!!!" and same for mom. i just love her :) kinda content right now, but also a little nervous i move to my next host family this weekend. Wish me luck! 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

next day

Today was awesome it was a thursday so classes till 5. It was fun my first class was math, then art, then english( side note it was super funny we were listening to an old black eyed peas album. we listened to "my humps" and i was like woah bro!) then PE, lunch, home ec. (im totally making this bomb back pack!), home ec again, then biology, and homeroom. Biking home went amazing too! :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Ok, so i just finished my first day of full classes. not gonna lie twas a little boring cause i didn't know what was going on so i just kinda studied japanese...but im chillin with some really awesome girls they are super sweet. after my first four classes which are like physics (i miss Mr. Skrutvold compared to japanese physics teachers) english, math, japanese. Then i went to lunch, we had a global studies meeting. Apparently im giving like 2 speeches. Then after lunch it was PE. Now i didn't really know this but apparently in japanese schools everyone boys and girls alike just change into PE clothes in their class room..... it was really awkward, they have it down to a perfected art. Pe i found im pretty good at volleyball who would have known....... then we went back to our class for phys. ed. we learned about the different levels of drinking alcohol (i only know cause my teacher acted it was super funny) and the kid next to me had to share his book he was super nice about it. after that we had a short homeroom then i started biking. to be truthful i had to ask like 3 people for directions cause i got lost so much, but i finally made it home so all is good.
Thanks everyone for an awesome day!!